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Fast-track your design process with Prott for Mac

Tim Prott-05 / 25 / 2016-News

Ideas are a funny thing.

The best ones always come when you least expect it - in the shower, on your way to work, or on a hiking trip through the woods.

Prott wants to help you and your team bring your ideas to life, wherever you may be. That's why we decided to eliminate the last obstacle that could come between you and your creativity: a stable internet connection!


*Insert drum roll here*

With Prott for Mac!

Soon, you will be able to work on your designs offline, whenever and wherever you want, whether you're connected to the internet or not.

But that’s not all! (other idea: But we didn’t stop there.)

We added other cool features that will make your design process faster, easier and more fun!

With Prott for Mac you will be able to upload screens you've created in Sketch right into Prott, and preview your designs on your smartphone instantly via mirroring.

Exciting, right?!

How can you get Prott for Mac?

Well, we're still working on it. But, we'd love to get your feedback to make sure that the app will really help you and your team take your design process to the next level.

So, fill in below form, test Prott for Mac and let us know what you think.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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